Julie Britton brings an inspirational, dynamic energy to the coaching relationship. Inspiring people to connect with their brilliance and genius.
Very soon after their first and second session people acknowledge that, “Julie has a pristine listening skill, and the skills to identify new ways of thinking and highlighting actions that inspire others, attendees find themselves able to follow through and take actions that produce unprecedented results in their work and life balance.
People are pleasantly surprised at the results they produce from taking their first idea forward leaving them fulfilled and satisfied.
People we coach are:
- Finance Managers and Directors
- Operation Directors and Leaders
- Human Resource Directors and Managers
- All executive leaders
- Sports coaches and leaders
- Lawyers and barristers
- Public Services Managers
Common issues raised during the coaching sessions:
- Low cash flow and the need to turn around business profitability
- Insufficient processes to sustain business growth
- Overwhelmed and stressed by new accountability or change in role
- Leaders feeling undervalued, powerless, bullied or harassed
- Stagnant leaders feeling no future growth
- Women’s work not taken seriously
- Leaders lacking confidence
- Leaders unable to communicate, needs, wants, and ideas for effective performance.
- Leaders low in self esteem and de-motivated
- Leaders dealing with victim behaviour
- Leaders not speaking up in meetings
- Leaders dealing with imposter syndrome, disharmony, competitive – jealous, back stabbing confrontational situations
- Leaders dealing with high levels of divisiveness that impact productivity, and the way the company work together to achieve its goals.
Biggest challenges faced by companies:
- Negative performance
- Poor relationship with colleagues, Directors or Management
- Poor listening and communication
- Being straight, saying no, making requests, avoiding delegating, dysfunctional teams
- Wanting promotion not being recognised
- Avoiding sharing ideas
- Lacks confidence with Director or Management
- Downsizing companies that are merging, dealing with transition, conflict and open communication
- Companies changing to meet economic climate needs
Impact of these challenges:
- Stagnation and toxic teams
- Disengaged employees
- Dysfunctional organisations
- Loss of best workers or players
- Resentful leadership
- Toleration of mediocrity
- Breakdown of trust and tolerate lies and withholding important information
- Practice non-confrontational communication strategy
- Identify personal needs and values and the needs and values of others
- Develop a new model of communication that inspires you and your people
- Develop leadership that holds people to account
- Creates Powerful and satisfying results
- Overcome limiting beliefs
- Effective powerful communication and listening, that’s…
- Meeting each other’s needs, producing…
- High levels of performance and integrity, leading to…
- Internal agreement of relationship that works, which is…
- Resulting in partnership, team recognition, providing…
- A vibrant, efficient working environment, which generates…
- Increased productivity leading to improved profitability.